Iran, the world’s 10th steel producer, increased output

This article starts with Iran. Iran, maintaining its position as the 10th biggest steel provider, has improved production output by 3.7% on February 2022 compared to the same month last year, the world steel association mentions.

It’s interesting to know that Iran, with 2.5 million tonnes of steel production in the second month of 2022, was 0.2 million tonnes away from Brazil with 2.7 million tonnes, this number was, at the same month of 2021, at 0.5 million tonnes. January and February 2022 bring an increase of 11.8% year-on-year, totaling 5.3 million tonnes of steel production.

Taking broader view we may say that Middle east steel production came to 3.8 million tonnes, having a 2.8% increase in steel production on February 2022 compared to the same month last year, Iran possessed 70% of steel production in middle east.

The next country in our list is Germany. With an increase of 3.8% year-on-year, Germany holds the 7th world producer of steel with 3.2 million tonnes in February 2022.

Now, it’s the time to go to China. The world’s largest steel provider with 75 million tonnes in February 2022 was China, a decrease of 10% compared to the last year. India and Japan follow with 10.1 (+7.6% YOY) and 7.3 (-2.3% YOY) million tonnes respectively.

Last but not the least, the world steel production for the 64 countries making report to the world steel association was 142.7 million tonnes in February 2022, a 5.7% decrease compared to February 2021. It should be considered carefully.






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